
SHOW POSTERI’ll be making video for the Bella Luna theatre project Futuristi at the Frederick Wood Theatre at UBC, opening Oct 11!

It’s a theatre collage piece based on the writings and manifestos of the Italian futurists.


Canadian Premiere

OCTOBER 11, 12, 13, 2007
BellaLuna with Theatre At UBC present a theatrical celebration of the ITALIAN FUTURIST MOVEMENT of the early 1900’s at UBC’s Frederic Wood Theatre (Vancouver, BC).

Continue reading “Futuristi!”

Cuddna Seddit Better Meself.

Gwynne Dyer reviews the new movie of Frank Miller’s 300.

That’s all, I haven’t blogged in a while ‘cos I’m too busy.

I’m calling it: The Bloc pulls the ripcord (rejects the budget) within 24 hours either way of the Quebec Election. I.e. before the vote to throw the race and take a free news-cycle on No-campaiging-allowed final day, OR, after the race to destabilize the Quebec Parliament and keep the PQ in permanent war mode – provincial vote, federal vote, second provincial vote, referendum.

Monkey Warfare Vancouver Premiere photos

Now that I’ve found the limits on pandora.com (“we are unable to let you skip any more songs this month due to licensing agreements.” Huh!?!?!) I have time to post other business.

Here’s some pics from the premiere of Monkey Warfare at Empire cinemas in Vancouver, handed over by Ifny but shot by David Repa. This is Ifny of Pedal Revolutionaries (who has just posted her podcast of the MONKEY WARFARE INTERVIEW), Alan MacInnes of Discorder’s Cinema Aspirant, Reg Harkema, the director, and me, Flick Harrison.
Continue reading “Monkey Warfare Vancouver Premiere photos”

The Autonomy Complex

Flick Harrison’s short film trilogy, The Autonomy Complex, will have its first test screening at the Gumboot on the Sunshine Coast on Monday, November 20th, presented by Black Cat productions!

Film screens @ 7:30pm. Doors open @ 7:00pm. Admission $6.
Coffee, tea, juice, snacks, and deserts available. Fully licensed.
More info @ 886-2780 or blackcat@resist.ca
at the Gumboot Cafe in Roberts Creek

Presented by filmmaker Flick Harrison

The Autonomy Complex
~ a video trilogy ~

Flick Harrison’s video trilogy is a Canadian nationalist sitcom, an international socialist documentary, and a personal anarchist experiment. Together they form a sweeping picture of political complexity and the tricky balance between freedom and equality: a propaganda of confusion.

Freeworld is set in the year 2023 after Canada is annexed by the USA. Hiroko Doko, arrested for fleeing the draft, is sent into the wilderness with Hedwing, a determined slacker, to capture a loony robot.

Camels Turbans Guns is a documentary made in Pakistan in 1998, just after the mutual nuclear-test showdown with India. It explores the tribal, stone-hut lifestyle of the Baluchi nomads (embroiled today in an armed uprising). Still fiercely independent, they face an encroaching triple-threat of organized Islam, foreign aid and American military

Based on a short story by DM Fraser, Marie Tyrell is an experimental drama about an activist on death row, told through her lover’s songs, her teenage diaries, and her prison psych report. Also an interactive documentary, it allows an interrogation the politics and the film’s own production. With original footage of Noam Chomsky, Svend Robinson, Scott Ritter, the Woodwards squat, Larry Campbell, and Stephen Osbourne.

Flick does video for theatre this week!

Hey folks! Check out this new theatre show, opening this week, which features my video design!

It’s about a Vietnam war dodger, now a leftist professor in Ottawa, who begins to doubt his pacifist convictions when his wife commits suicide and his daughter takes a dangerous posting as a middle-east diplomat.

(the most interesting part for me was cutting together Taliban propaganda video with Vietcong 16mm films).

(Two- for- one previews Thur. November 2 & Fri. November 3 at 8 pm)
Continue reading “Flick does video for theatre this week!”

Days 3-5 of VIFF – slowing down

Days go by and blogging gets harder (especially with the nagging doubt that blogging is actually lame). Both Vancouver Film Fest screenings of Monkey Warfare were packed to the gills. I notice the Vancouver audience had a good laugh at all the drug humour; in Toronto that stuff caused chuckles but out here people were laughing out loud. Now I don’t feel like the only one who got it.

Reg actually intro’d the film by saying that despite all the Toronto references, it is actually an East Van film: that’s where Reg is from.

Continue reading “Days 3-5 of VIFF – slowing down”

VIFF opening gala

So I had a blast projecting visuals at the Vancouver International Film Festival opening gala.

The party was at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Georgia in the main ballroom. This picture is Cathy Falkner with Sandy Buck. Sandy planned the whole event which is an insanely big job. Cathy was helping do the decoration on the night.

In the background you can see my visuals! They were on two giant odd-shaped fabric backdrops on either side of the band, plus one little projection on the escalator outside the ballroom. It was fantabulous, in my opinion.
Continue reading “VIFF opening gala”

Monkey Warfare prize!

So Monkey Warfare is showing at Vancouver International Film Fest on Sept 30 and Oct 1! Details here at VIFF’s page.

Also, there’s a new Monkey Warfare official website. Yay for top-level domain names! The page automatically plays the awesome Weird War song that usually runs through my head about six-seven hours per day now.

And finally, Monkey Warfare got a Special Jury Award at the Toronto International Film Festival 2006!

Apparently the jury didn’t stay through the credits. Heh heh heh. So they missed the best part.

Fromthe interview with Reginald Harkema in the GLOBE AND MAIL:

“Harkema, a B.C. native, said afterwards: “Gee, I guess I’m not gonna buy that huge hunk of hash [hashish] I was dreaming about,” – an echo of director Bruce McDonald’s statement that “$25,000 is going to buy me a chunk of hash,” when his feature Roadkill took the Toronto-City prize in 1989.”


I love that they had to explain that hash is hashish. Really? Ya don’t say!

Marie Tyrell at the Vancouver Public Library

Hey folks! Sorry for the late notice of this but I only caught wind of it this hour!

My latest short underground political flick Marie Tyrell is screening at the Vancouver Public Library on Friday, Sept 22, as part of the Necessary Voices series. There’s little time to get word out. Lots of people worked very hard on it and the results are amazing… they should be seen by more people!

See pics, trailer, credits and info here.

Continue reading “Marie Tyrell at the Vancouver Public Library”

TIFF day 4 – Monkey Warfare 2nd screening

Another low-key day except for the super second screening of Monkey Warfare. Here’s Cindy getting set to ride her little bike to the festival. She has fabulous outifts, n’est-ce pas? This is an opportunity to point out that not only is she IN Monkey Warfare, she also has a band called The Tennessee Twin.

After my third day of TIFF I finally started getting an understanding of how tickets work. I think. Apparently cast and crew need to use their passes to go and get tickets to their own screenings for themselves, even though they’re free for them, just because that’s how the accounting works or something. I think. I have been treated to a whirlwind bubble not of celebrity, but of Reg and Cindy’s hospitality. I’ve hardly had to think the whole time, so get easily confused the moment I have to think for myself. Continue reading “TIFF day 4 – Monkey Warfare 2nd screening”