Broken Pencil reviews my zine Zero for Conduct!

At last! A review of my zine in Broken Pencil! I guess I gave up after about a year of poking through BP (which is always worthwhile, narcissistic satisfaction or no). And then I came up in a google alert… today. A year after the review went up online. I guess google doesn’t like its old friend BP enough to drop by for a robot crawl on a reasonable basis.

Then again, the zine world works at its own pace, doesn’t it?  Like, ZFC is over a year and a half old, and no second issue.

Anyway, someone liked the zine.  I guess I should make another one…

My favourite reaction, when I tell people I’ve got a zine, is when they say, “Send me a link!” and I say “What link?  It’s a hardcopy.  As in, print.”  And they boggle a little.  Now it’s up in pdf on the web, so I guess that’s moot at this point.

You can buy the zine or download it HERE.

-Flick Harrison

“The 40,000” Vietnam doc online

Barry Levy in Spook

I used to spend a lot of time doing behind-the-scenes documentaries on feature films.  Since I was working mostly for low-budget independents, the BTS stuff often dropped off the priority list – no one actually used the footage after I handed them the tapes.

But there’s a notable exception: Barry Levy’s The 40,000, which is a full-length documentary produced with footage I shot for his feature film Spook.  It’s about the 40,000 Canadians who served in Vietnam, either by being drafted for their dual citizenship (!) or by volunteering.  Spook is the dramatized version, and The 40,000 is the doc which illuminates the film.

I was fascinated while shooting, and now I’m transported back to that time by seeing the doc.  The real vietnam vet who narrates much of the doc has had his identity obscured to protect him.

Passionflake – New Video for The Strange Magic

I haven’t posted this yet, so with their new CD release it’s probably a good time.

Music Video for The Strange Magic, from their new album “Songs to Burn.”

Shot at the Railway Club and Lamplighter Pub in Vancouver. The amazing archival footage comes from

Check them out at:

VanKino open-mic film screenings

n43312898967_399It’s nice to see a few regular film screening events pop up in Vancouver lately.  This one is the first Sunday of every month at 1181 Davie Street, otherwise known as Tight Lounge.

This could be interesting. After spotting it on Craigslist, then followed to facebook and finally to the international website, I have NO IDEA hat to make of them.  Sounds like a cool network: there are “cells” in various cities around the world.
Here’s the posting:


“Kino” is the Greek word for “movement” and means “film” or “the cinema” in Russian, German and other languages. Born in Montréal in 1998, Kino began as a challenge, made by founding filmmaker Christian Laurence to his friends, to make one short film per month until the year 2000. However, at the end of this period no one wanted to stop and, in fact, Kino had formed into a movement that encouraged filmmakers in groups scattered across Montréal and Europe to “do well with nothing; do even better with a little,” and—most importantly—to “do it right now!”

Continue reading “VanKino open-mic film screenings”

Bike Film Fest call for entries

Now that I’m writing about cinema for Momentum magazine, please send me all your bike film stories and information! That doesn’t just mean movies about bikes, it means cycling artists / filmmakers as well. Momentum is about the self-propelled lifestyle, from environmental, economic and political stuff to social, fashion and health angles – so if you have a cinema / video / moving-picture spin that involves human-powered machinery, try me out.

Meanwhile, here’s this CALL FOR ENTRIES from the Bike Film Festival:

Bicycle Film Festival | Trailer from casagrafica on Vimeo.

Deadline For Entries Is March 7

Continue reading “Bike Film Fest call for entries”

International Experimental Media Congress

images logo

There’s a survey you should check out at the site of this Experimental Media Congress in Toronto, April 2010.

It’s a part of the Images Festival in Toronto, and

“This gathering aims to serve as a continuation of the conversations that
took place at the Fourth Experimental Film Congress held in Toronto in
1989. That massive and contentious event, which is well known to many on
this list, attempted to bring together the broad international film
community for a dialogue on the state of the avant-garde.”

Anyone interested in attending, or who feels confident their time spent answering questions is worthwhile for the ripple effect on the worldwide experimental scene… go check it out.

The congress promises to re-open some debates that have been ongoing for decades, regarding canonization of avante-garde artists and institutionalization of marginalized authorities – if ya know what I mean.

I can only assume Zero for Conduct (i.e. me) will be there, rousing some sort of rabble.

Check out Al Razutis’ articles and manifesto pages that hint at the schism caused by the previous conference in 1989, with prominent filmmakers boycotting and avoiding while others considered the event a big success.

I saw the call on FRAMEWORKS which is an extremely long-lived, wide-ranging and international email discussion group about experimental filmmaking.

It was posted by:

Scott Miller Berry
(on behalf of the local organizing & host committee)

7 to 10 April, 2010
Toronto, Canada

Breaking the Vinyl Ceiling

Some bands never break the vinyl ceiling.  80’s bands that never made it and now face the prospect of that second-chance 80’s retro fading away into the rear-view mirror.

Posting this music doc about Go Four 3 to inaugurate my new blog (on WordPress instead of Blogger, self-hosted.  Google sux.  The transfer took a loooong time but well worth it.).

I’m That Fool. from patrick carroll on Vimeo.

Zero for Conduct Zine is born!

Zero for Conduct is Flick Harrison’s new zine of counter-film.

(get it!)

I still need to get a waxer – this issue feels a little too perfect for me, I only did one drawing and the rest was laid out in Indesign.


Interviews with

Reg Harkema on Leslie, My Name is Evil
Jeff Carter on Inside Passage
Tom Scholte on Crime
plus Waiting for Sancho and more!

I created it to try and rekindle some kind of underground film thing in Vancouver that I think is, well, just a bit TOO underground. This year’s Vancouver International Film Festival was the kicker for me, I finally felt like taking part again, having worked on two of the films screening, and a recent visit to a Zine fair / comics show at the Vancouver Art Gallery reminded me that it is really all about just getting it done.

Continue reading “Zero for Conduct Zine is born!”

Futuristi remount!

Runs May 31 – Jun 7 2008 at Frederic Wood Theatre.

Check it out at Bella Luna’s website


In the spirit of the turn of the century Italian Futurists, an ensemble of like-minded artists of various mediums with a hunger for excitement and change, Directors Gerald Vanderwoude (UBC) and Susan Bertoia (BellaLuna Productions) have assembled a prodigious ensemble of performers, designers and artists to re-create, pay tribute to and experiment with an art form that had an incredible impact on the shape of art and life as we know it.

Continue reading “Futuristi remount!”