VIVO has not disappeared, it’s just gone underground while the landlord laughs and the City of Vancouver steps in to the rescue.
I’m teaching my very popular Final Cut Pro X workshop there on July 12th, now EXTENDED by one hour to fill you up with Apply goodness.
Total 4 hours (Saturday, July 12th, 1-5pm) | $42.50 forĀ VIVO members / $50 for nonĀmembers
Learn how to import, edit video, add effects and titles, and output to dvd, web, or master files on the once-and-future king of editing software. Stop paying for Adobe subscriptions and get back on the FCP bus!
Final Cut Pro X has finally overcome the clunky launch and now it does pretty much everything an editor needs it to do. (Beginner workshop)
Instructor: Flick Harrison