Anonymoose at CineEco Film Festival in Portugal

anonymooseThe film I made with Catherine Falkner during a residency at Black Bag Media Collective in St John’s, Newfoundland is now in distribution with VIVO media arts, and the first screening from this relationship is happening at CineEco environmental film festival in Portugal in October (or as they say in Portugal, “outubro”!

The film, a surrealist propaganda movie against the spraying of Tordon 101 on Newfoundland’s highways, will show this week in Seia, Portugal in competition with other shorts.

Thanks to Liz Solo for making that residency happen…

“Space, Baby” premiere at The Toast, Apr 17-19 2014

space-baby-poster-letterCome to the spectacular performance of SPACE, BABY.

April 17, 18, 19 – 8 pm
The Toast Collective
648 Kingsway
Tickets $10/15 at the door or at Brown Paper Tickets

Space, Baby is a multimedia performance inspired by the palate of 1960s sci-fi film which tells the surreal story of a lone woman searching her galactic memories in an effort to escape the realities of an ever-approaching future. The woman is a rogue astronaut witnessing her own past. She plays multiple versions of herself as seen through the lens of her changing memories. Using a forcefield of sound and imagery, the camp-aesthetic of films such as Barbarella, and the genre-bending of American Astronaut, Space, Baby is a multimedia performance about regret and forgetting.


Catherine Falkner
in collaboration with
Elysse Cheadle
Flick Harrison
Elliot Vaughan

VANDOCUMENT covers Video Revolution! Making Your Message @ VIVO

(So it’s good to know my crazy professor hair gets attention, but they also say I have “an impressive portfolio of films…”)

One week tech camp teaches youth filmmaking with a purpose

Words by Alicia McLean
Photos by Sheng Ho

Sitting with the instructors of Video Revolution! in the trendy yellow chairs of VIVO Media Arts Centre, I admire the bright, sunlit classroom-to-be. Panoramic desktop iMacs: check. Compact DSLRs: check. Pair of enthusiastic and quirky teachers: check. So, what makes this week-long (Aug 5-9) workshop different than the others in Vancouver?

read the rest on Vandocument

Seeking short SF films for VCON screening in Vancouver!

SEEKING SHORT SCIENCE-FICTION & FANTASY FILMS for a 1-hour program at VCON SF & F convention October 4-6 2013 in Vancouver, BC.  Deadline for submissions is August 5.

Do you have a short SF&F film, a good standalone excerpt, or a fantastic trailer that we could show?

The definition of Science Fiction and Fantasy is quite broad – so give it a shot! Vancouver-made films will be given priority.

VCON HAS A PIRATE THEME THIS YEAR!  But that isn’t necessary for your film to be included.  It would be cool, though.  Arrrr.

At the convention, screening organizer Flick Harrison will also do a reading from his unpublished SF novel, HOME IS IN THE HARD DRIVE – but that is a separate event.

The program may tour if there is support for it from other cons.

Continue reading “Seeking short SF films for VCON screening in Vancouver!”

Anonymoose at VIVO this Friday!

Catherine Falkner and I made an avant-garde propaganda film in Newfoundland with the Tordon Players during our residency at Black Bag Media Collective… The first public screening will be this Friday! Check it out:


A short film festival featuring artists living and working in Mount Pleasant.

Graciously supported by the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Small Grants Project, the Vancouver Foundation and VIVO Media Arts.


We are excited to be featuring the following artists:

Continue reading “Anonymoose at VIVO this Friday!”

Parrot Drone crash – SOLVED!… Pic Watchdog Emergency.

Had a crazy crash with my Parrot AR Drone while I was testing some ideas for the Parade of the Lost Souls (you can see my test footage at left).  This is how I assessed and fixed it.

I hit a street light about 25 or 30 feet up. Down it came crashing. Why, oh why, did I listen to the passing child who insisted I try out the outdoor hull? I usually use the indoor hull at all times because I just think it will help the thing last longer. But no, it came straight down on the corner and broke a rotor gear in half, and broke the pin. Continue reading “Parrot Drone crash – SOLVED!… Pic Watchdog Emergency.”

Parade of Lost Souls 2012

This was my video installation for the Secret Souls Walk at Parade of Lost Souls 2012.

Thanks to Nahid Karimaghalou and Reza Shahidi-Nejad who were my awesome volunteers!  Without them I’d be wetter, and would have had far more TV’s short-out in the rain – there were enough of those as it was! More of them were working when the day began… Andrea Maylone was the awesome volunteer wrangler who hooked them in with me…

Also thanks to Tim Furness, Kat Single-Dain and Ari Lazer for bringing me on board.  It was an awesome show and all kinds of fun.  Yes, as the hippies said, it was cool to see so many people having fun and freaking out, getting spooky etc in the rain.

[nggallery id=5]
Parade of lost Souls 2012

The TV at the bottom of this one actually burned out in the rain:

video installation for the Secret Souls Walk at Parade of Lost Souls 2012

Signal Out: Remote Artist Talk from Newfoundland!

So without much more than a crashed Macbook to slow us down, Something Collective‘s first presentation of “Signal Out” went off great.   Liz Solo and the Black Bag Media Collective presented Flick Harrison‘s films in St John’s, Newfoundland while we showed Liz’s music-video and machinima work here at our studio at Moberly Cultural Centre.

After the screenings, we did live Skype chats so the audience could Q & A.  I spoke a lot about Final Cut Pro vs Adobe software and the future of independent video editing. Liz, for her part, talked about Second Life and the combination of joy and horror she feels in that phantasmagoric shopping mall.

Liz got to bed VERY late – the time difference is 4.5 hours – and a good time was had by all, at both ends of this giant country.


Futuristi Promo Video

Here’s a video promo I made several months ago for FUTURISTI, Bella Luna’s re-mount of the 1920’s Italian futursit scripts.

It’s a wacky, unpredictable and absurd piece – but don’t let me go on talking, you should watch it yourself…