Is that a secret agenda in your pocket or are you just happy to C-10?

Are you folks following the Canadian tax credit censorship issue? Anyone looking for Harper’s secret agenda need look no further!

Bill C-10, an amendment to the income tax act which runs hundreds of pages long, has 13 words in it that give the government the right to cancel tax credits for film productions unless

“(b) public financial support of the production would not be contrary to public policy.”

In a Conservative majority situation, this could cut out films that depict violence, homosexuality, underage drinking, etc. Are the Conservatives really more interested in protecting Canadian morality than Canadian jobs?

Continue reading “Is that a secret agenda in your pocket or are you just happy to C-10?”


SHOW POSTERI’ll be making video for the Bella Luna theatre project Futuristi at the Frederick Wood Theatre at UBC, opening Oct 11!

It’s a theatre collage piece based on the writings and manifestos of the Italian futurists.


Canadian Premiere

OCTOBER 11, 12, 13, 2007
BellaLuna with Theatre At UBC present a theatrical celebration of the ITALIAN FUTURIST MOVEMENT of the early 1900’s at UBC’s Frederic Wood Theatre (Vancouver, BC).

Continue reading “Futuristi!”

Flick at Video Blim!

I’ll be showing some looped installation video at this event at Video In. Come check it out… Video Blim is always a blast!

Blim and VIVO present:

Video-Blim: Psyched

@ VIVO: 1965 Main St.

Set the scene, light a mellow candle, lay deep on a shag and ride the mystic tide through illusions of the eye to see how the other half live in this sonic, plastic dimentia. The troll outside your door cuts clear light through the loud white noise of your hard times with his electric, silver music machine. You dig?

Gather your senses for the next thing… Video-Blim: Psyched. A night of sounds and sights dedicated to our lucid minds, our harsh realities and every channel in between.

Continue reading “Flick at Video Blim!”

Flick’s Acting Demo!

Well, I’m falling behind in blogging. I haven’t written about the Tomorrow Collective’s “Brief Encounters” show where I teamed up with Take 5 to create a half-animated, half-live-grafitti show at the Anza Club in march. It’s hard to explain so I won’t try until there’s video.

I didn’t blog about the VIDEO I designed and edited for Amnesty International and Jennifer Lopez (Yes, I mean J-Lo) which ties the new film Bordertown to the Amnesty campaign for the femicide in the city of Juarez (Ciudad Juarez in spanish). The video uses Lopez’ new tune in one version, and then was re-cut to include a Jaguares song. Both are available on youtube-

(I’m trying a new method of full-screen youtube linking, let me know what ya think.)



And then this post was actually about my acting demo, so here it is:

Cuddna Seddit Better Meself.

Gwynne Dyer reviews the new movie of Frank Miller’s 300.

That’s all, I haven’t blogged in a while ‘cos I’m too busy.

I’m calling it: The Bloc pulls the ripcord (rejects the budget) within 24 hours either way of the Quebec Election. I.e. before the vote to throw the race and take a free news-cycle on No-campaiging-allowed final day, OR, after the race to destabilize the Quebec Parliament and keep the PQ in permanent war mode – provincial vote, federal vote, second provincial vote, referendum.

Canned Hamm video posted!

The new single from Canned Hamm is now my newest video.

Made this with the Hamms in the last couple of weeks. It was super fun!!!

Don’t forget to forward the link

And visit the YOUTUBE page to rate the video!!

This tune has to become a big gay dance club hit. I will renounce my membership in humanity if it doesn’t.


To get the embed code for this video, click HERE:

-by Flick Harrison

Wreckless Eric video posted!

Wreckless Eric reading from his book in Seattle.

I shot this for my upcoming W.E. concert video.

He sez: ‘I didn’t want to write a showbiz biography, the sort that chronicles the early struggle for fame, works through a successful middle period, and chronicles the downfall via a collection of lurid drug-related episodes and boring contractual details, finally fizzling out in a collection of lame anecdotes designed to demonstrate what a great guy I am now that life’s being good to me and I’m on the straight and narrow. WH Smith is already full of crap like that.’

Buy the book online!!

Canned Hamm – Boyz Night Out (remix) video shoot

Jesus Christ! I should have my head examined, but I just shot and directed a MUSIC VIDEO for Canned Hamm. The tune is Boyz Night Out (remix) and it’s sure to be a GAY DANCE CLUB HIT even though it’s all about straight boys on the town.

Click the images for larger versions! Put them on your desktop or screensaver!

Post production starts this week, though I’m still busy with Wreckless Eric, and new spots for the Element Agency (one for Amnesty International).

Weee! Haven’t gone out and directed something for a long-arse time. It was extremely fun!

-flick harrison

Solved by Flick!! Pandora / Adblock plus / Firefox bug

I made Cathy happy by solving her Pandora problems! It took some fiddling, so I thought I might share it with y’all. web music station was behaving erratically on my girlfriend’s 800Mhz ibook g4, OS 10.3.9 (osx) with firefox 1.5 .

The flash interface kept disappearing. Moving the mouse around would cause bits of it to appear temporarily but it was annoying.
Continue reading “Solved by Flick!! Pandora / Adblock plus / Firefox bug”

Monkey Warfare Vancouver Premiere photos

Now that I’ve found the limits on (“we are unable to let you skip any more songs this month due to licensing agreements.” Huh!?!?!) I have time to post other business.

Here’s some pics from the premiere of Monkey Warfare at Empire cinemas in Vancouver, handed over by Ifny but shot by David Repa. This is Ifny of Pedal Revolutionaries (who has just posted her podcast of the MONKEY WARFARE INTERVIEW), Alan MacInnes of Discorder’s Cinema Aspirant, Reg Harkema, the director, and me, Flick Harrison.
Continue reading “Monkey Warfare Vancouver Premiere photos”