Summer video camp for teens at VIVO

VIVO Youth Camps 2013

Video Revolution! Making your message

(click above for the application form and contact info)

August 5-9, 2013
9 AM-4 PM
Final Exhibition: Friday, August 9, 4:30-6 PM

¡VIVO la revolución!

Youth ages 13-18 are invited to spend a week at VIVO immersed in the hands-on creation of documentaries, news, commercials, music videos, public service announcements, viral videos and/or other mediums for creating persuasive messaging. Use the powerful world of video to get your message out there.

Continue reading “Summer video camp for teens at VIVO”

Vancouver Biennale exhibit on Kits Beach | something collective

Vancouver Biennale exhibit on Kits Beach | something collective.

IMG_2293TUESDAY, MAY 28 from NOON to 4pm

Flick has been facilitating a video installation art project with Nootka Elementary and Windermere High School, which will culminate in an exhibition on Tuesday, May 28th at the Echoes installation on Kits Beach: here’s a map.   Flick will be back at it with his fixation on old TV’s!

Come see the portraits which Windermere students shot at Renfrew-Collingwood Senior’s Centre with the help of community artist Carmen Rosen.

This project is a part of the Vancouver Biennale Big Ideas Art in Action Education Program.

These pictures show the process leading up to our installation!



We Are Here – A Community Mapping Project- FINAL CELEBRATION



(Maggie Winston, Laura Barron, Juliana Bedoya, Natalie Gan and Flick Harrison)



Something Collective, the Artists-in-Residence team at SCC, has worked and played over the last few months engaging community members in a variety of arts activities that map the sounds, people, growth, play spaces, and movements of the Sunset Neighbourhood.

We Are Here has allowed community members to explore their neighborhood through dance, sound, video, green graffiti, puppets and photography.

Now, together, with your friends and neighbours, we’ll get to walk through a giant interactive map as we celebrate all the finished components of the project. Come and experience an interactive, living picture of the Sunset neighbourhood.


This project is supported in partnership by

Moberly Arts & Cultural Centre
Sunset Community Centre
Vancouver Parks & Rec
City of Vancouver

Free Book Launch — World Film Locations: Vancouver | The Cinematheque

I wrote several articles for this book and compiled an amazing reel of scenes shot in Vancouver for the event tonight.  Come down for a free discussion and screening!

Join us as U.K.-based publisher Intellect Books launches the new book World Film Locations: Vancouver (Bristol, U.K.: Intellect, 2013) and we celebrate Vancouver films and filmmakers by discussing the past, present, and future of the local industry. Attendees will hear a few words from Professor Colin Browne (School for the Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University), watch a show reel (edited by Vancouver filmmaker Flick Harrison) of film scenes analysed in the new book, and join a discussion about Vancouver film led by a panel of film professionals hosted by Diane Burgess (Instructor in Film Studies, UBC) and including Loretta Sarah Todd (director, writer, producer at Nehiyawetan Productions) and Sharon McGowan (filmmaker and Associate Professor of Film Production, UBC). The evening will end with drinks and conversation and another chance to see Vancouver writer and critic Michael Turner’s On Location 2: Four Double Bills, in which eight well-known Vancouver-made films are edited to remove everything from them but their Vancouver locales.

Edited by Rachel Walls, World Film Locations: Vancouver features the work of Vancouver writers, artists, film-makers, and curators including Colin Browne, Diane Burgess, Elvy Del Bianco, Flick Harrison, David Hauka, Peter Lester, Amy Kazymerchyk, Kamala Todd, and Michael Turner. Through this writing, and images from the films and of the locations used, the book traces the history and diversity of Vancouver location filming. The book consists of 38 “scene reviews” of Canadian and Hollywood movies from 1927 to present, and seven “spotlight essays” on key filmmakers and film moments.

World Film Locations: Vancouver is part of Intellect Books’ “World Film Locations” series. Buy it at AMAZON.CA: World Film Locations: Vancouver

A Moving @ International Dance Week, Vancity Cinema

AMoving-SunsetThe film I made with Rob Kitsos, A Moving, is showing at Vancity today at 2pm with some other dance shorts!

I believe it’s free…

Dance on Film: Sunday April 28, 1-3pm

1-2pm: Kristina Lemieux moderates a discussion with Josh Martin, Kat Single-Dain and Brian Johnson on the creative process of dance filmmaking from the perspective of choreographers and filmmakers. Clips for current works-in-progress will be shown.

2-3pm: Shorts Program: A selection of local works and works from the Dance on Camera Festival in New York will be shown.

2-3pm: Shorts Program

Hard Times Hit Parade
Director: Kat Single-Dain
Choreographer: Kat Single-Dain

cArtographies… featuring Crystal Pite
Director: Brian Johnson
Choreographer: Crystal Pite

Director: Duncan McDowall
Choreographer: Dorotea Saykaly

Evelyn’s Farm
Director: Brian Johnson
Choreographer: Katy Harris-McLeod & Mara Branscombe

Square Dance Story
Director: Jason Karmen
Choreographer: Grant Ito with Kyle Toy

A Moving
Created by: Flick Harrison & Rob Kitsos

Brighter Borough
Director: Georgia Parris
Choreographer: Caroline Pope

The Heist
Director: Andrew Jack
Choreographer: Jojo Zolina

3-3:30pm: Q&A in the Lobby
Join panels, directors, choreographers and cast members in the lobby for a discussion on the afternoons events.

SWITCH to Premiere Pro

I teach courses at VIVO Media Arts Centre in Vancouver on SWITCHING TO PREMIERE PRO CS6 and INTRO TO PREMIERE PRO CS6 .

Here are some useful links for switching, below this rant which I had earlier posted as a blog comment or two

One thing I want to say is that I’m not afraid of change.  FCPX defenders always throw that first so let’s forget it. I moved to Premiere Pro. This was a change. I was not afraid.

Also, I’m not a hater or a Mac lightweight. I’ve been C-64, Amiga, Mac since OS9, Windows 98, XOPC / Linux, and now I’m working on a sweet Hackintosh (thank u, Nofilmschool!!).

I love Mac. But I HATE FCPX.

FCPX lovers will ask, “Why all the hate?!?” To them I reply, “WHY ALL THE LOVE?!” Are your emotions more valid than mine? Is thy love stronger than mine hatred? Canst thou empathize only with those who feel as you do?

Continue reading “SWITCH to Premiere Pro”

Intro to Adobe Premiere CS6 | to Premiere |

Tuesday, April 16, 7-10 PM

Adobe Premiere is fast, easy to use, and powerful. This class introduces the Adobe edit system to new editors. Learn how to ingest footage into the system, cut your video, add soundtrack, titles and effects, and output to various formats. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to solve problems and find help easily. This workshop contains a mixture of instructor demonstration and hands on practice.

This is a Pay What You Can workshop with the suggested minimum payment of $50

To sign up email us at or call 604.872.8337/ext.1
Instructor: Flick Harrison

Flick Harrison is a self-made nobody, a renegade artist, an underpreneur, a premiere Vancouver poorfessional, and now a member of the Sunset Community artists-in-residence “Something Collective.” His film, theatre, video, acting, writing and camera work has been seen by millions, been nominated and won awards internationally, and slipped into, under and through almost every Canadian funding niche. Chretien’s chief strategist Warren Kinsella called Flick “offensive” and “unfair,” the Globe and Mail called him “hilarious,” and the Georgia Straight called his work “gorgeously sophisticated.” His work includes teaching media art to kids, engaging community through art, designing projections for theatre and dance, and international journalism and criticism.

SANKASET – Public Engagement and the Arts | Kristina Lemieux

Watch my public chat with Tara Cheyenne-Friedenberg and Kristina Lemieux at Rhizome Cafe about public engagement in the arts.  #artsandpublic

SANKASET is a series of dialogues on arts organizations, audience engagement & citizenship.  The series kicked off with a dialogue about the Canada Council for the Arts‘ recent publication Public Engagement in the Arts, between Sankaset creator Kristina Lemieux and two arts leaders: Continue reading “SANKASET – Public Engagement and the Arts | Kristina Lemieux”

Flick teaches Intro to Adobe Premiere

Intro to Adobe Premiere CS6

Monday, February 11, 2013 – 7:00pm – 10:00pm

VIVO Media Arts Centre, Vancouver

I’m teaching this video editing workshop on Adobe Premiere, the video editing software that some people are calling the true Final Cut Pro 8.  If you hate Final Cut X, or want to try a more pro-editor option, this could be your baby… Call VIVO and sign youself up!

Intro to Adobe Premiere CS6.

Premiere is fast, easy to use, and powerful.  This class introduces the Adobe edit system to new editors.  Learn how to ingest footage into the system, cut your video, add soundtrack, titles and effects, and output to various formats.  Most importantly, you’ll learn how to solve problems and find help easily. This workshop contains a mixture of instructor demonstration and hands on practice.

To sign up email us at or call 604.872.8337/ext.1

Prerequisites: This workshop has been designed for total newbies to editing
Duration: 1 session: 3 hours
Schedule: Monday, February 11, 7-10 PM
Tuesday, April 23, 7-10 PM
Cost: This is a Pay What You Can workshop with the suggested minimum payment of $50


Film Tax Credits are for Wusses

Originally published in Terminal City Weekly in Vancouver, in November of 2001.

“Today, despite all the broadcast hardware, the studios with their cameras, the control rooms with their millions and millions of dollars of snazzy equipment, despite the satellites in the sky, the armies of TV and film crews stretched out from coast to coast, the glitzy award shows, the weekend conferences of entertainment lawyers, accountants and network development officers, despite all the investment from federal and provincial governments and all the tax benefits which yearly flow to private corporations I find our Canadian broadcast system in English Canada has three dominant features: censorship, racism and an appalling lack of innovation.”

You can find the rest of what Daryl Duke, chair of BC Film, a guy with a star on Granville Street, said in a Spry lecture a couple years back in Montreal, but the central point is clear (the lecture is pasted below, since it’s currently offline).

Last week’s panicky headline in the Vancouver Sun, “BC risks losing half its film business, insiders say,” is more than just a random attack on the Feds, a symptom of the absence of an NDP tax-and-spend target for the local right-wing rags. It’s one of those surface-level inquiries into our economy that characterize the converted-to-globalization discourse that our whole society seems mired in, despite breakthroughs in Seattle and Quebec City.

Continue reading “Film Tax Credits are for Wusses”