Larry Kent’s The Hamster Cage banned in Shanghai

Just got this from Robert French, producer of Larry Kent’s new film, The Hamster Cage:

Dude — I thought you’d like this one: We were selected to play the Shanghai Int. Film Fest on May 5, which is one of only 11 “A-list” fests in the world. They got the consulate involved, offered hotel rooms, etc., so I book a flight, get my accreditation, am all ready to go to China, and they send an e-mail a few days ago that the film cannot be screened in China due to restrictive censorship rules.

The fest still wants me to go, and the consulate still has me booked for the parties…so off I go in a couple of weeks, maybe to never return…


* * * *
Ahhh, China.

I wonder if Google will block access to The Hamster Cage Website?

Oh my god – they DID.

Flick’s pics of The Organ in rehearsal

Taken in Vancouver, on the day they left for their European tour. I was shooting video for John Anderson, an artist-about-town (with fabulous moustacheness I might add).

They were working out new material and waiting for their ride to the airport!

It was pretty neat to hear all the songs without lyrics. Katie was intensely listening and throwing in the odd comment or suggestion. Didn’t get good shots of the rest of the band, as my job was to shoot the right-hand side of the room, while John shot the other way… Drummers, as always, tend to disappear behind their drums, making shooting difficult!

Enjoy these pics… click to enlarge.

Georgia Straight interview with Flick

Forgot to blog this Georgia Straight interview back when it came out – so here it is.

I discuss the Big New Vancouver International Film Centre (VIFC) and its lack of Canadian programming.

This article was sparked (I believe) by an anonymous email that included me in the CC line. Apparently I am the go-to guy for independent cinema rabble-rousing in this town, which isn’t a bad thing. Pieta Wooley refused to interview the mystery person anonymously by email, but here’s what she got out of me, on the record:

It’s an interesting issue, this is the first time my attention’s been drawn to it. I’m interested to know why this Sam Sam entity chose me as the kaka-disturber… But I’ll take the bait!

Continue reading “Georgia Straight interview with Flick”

Marie Tyrell review in FURTHERFIELD

Camille Baker reviews Marie Tyrell in Furtherfield.Org, a journal.

Baker writes that the interactive DVD’s “… approach perhaps harkens back to the Fluxus or Structuralist Movements in experimental film making of the 60 and 70’s, where the materials for making the film were exposed, to thus, become the film content. In this case, Harrison not only used the technological materials as the product, but all the parts in the process from the funding, to the text adaptation, to the filming of political protests, to the historical fodder for the story, etc. as the materials as well.”


So I just finished working on Monkey Warfare, Reginald Harkema’s new film starring Don McKellar!

I will play a small part after the closing credits – a surprise safety video, if you will, in the context of urban guerillaism. The hint is that my script came from Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman.

Click the bottom-right button to enlarge the video, and don’t forget to read the BIG SCOOP ABOUT THIS SCENE:

There’s more about MONKEY WARFARE on the website… still in post-production so it’s only a tease…


Har har – there’s actually a page about my character on the Battlestar Wikipedia site. Whooda thunk a little character like me would draw such attention.

Find the page HERE.

There’s some good pictures of me with Lucy Lawless and some other stills from that episode of BSG HERE.

(Even some in FRENCH)


ARTEROIDS is a fun game – intermedia, they calls it, and if you think poetry,
video games and internet as three different media, you’ll get it.