Green leadership from Canada could curb Russia’s soft power

I just published an article on about the Ukraine crisis.

“The crisis in Ukraine has just escalated and spread to our shores.  By sending military supplies to the government in Kiev, Stephen Harper is drawing Canada into the crisis as a belligerent and playing into the hands of Putin’s most hawkish advisers.  Harper’s policy shows the kind of good intentions that pave the way to Hell.  Canada can do better.

Military support from NATO in the face of Russian opposition could help Putin justify his own unilateral missions – like the dubious supply convoy that is now waiting at the Ukrainian border, or even his secret weapon, troops, and armour deliveries.  Also: what would happen if someone shot down the Canadian supply plane, or that of any NATO member?  Would that put us at war with Russia? …”

Read the rest at

Anonymoose at CineEco Film Festival in Portugal

anonymooseThe film I made with Catherine Falkner during a residency at Black Bag Media Collective in St John’s, Newfoundland is now in distribution with VIVO media arts, and the first screening from this relationship is happening at CineEco environmental film festival in Portugal in October (or as they say in Portugal, “outubro”!

The film, a surrealist propaganda movie against the spraying of Tordon 101 on Newfoundland’s highways, will show this week in Seia, Portugal in competition with other shorts.

Thanks to Liz Solo for making that residency happen…

Nato raises fears of Russian invasion under ‘pretext of humanitarian or peace-keeping mission’

The Independent reports that Russia’s military buildup on the Ukraine border could turn into an invasion on thin pretexts.

There are plenty of Russian troops already inside Ukraine (without even counting Crimea). I wouldn’t be surprised if their massive troop buildup is just cover for men and materiel to flow into the occupied zones. It’s a giant reserve and supply pool for the insurgents.

Most alarming is the Russian air combat exercise coming up. They will of course shoot down or make intercepts on a few Ukrainian planes, maybe drop supplies or do medium-altitude bombing runs. Close air support is probably out because it would be too easy to get photo and video evidence from the ground.  But the idea that they will just fly around and pretend to shoot at each other seems far-fetched.

The leaders of the rebellion are already openly identifying themselves as infiltrated Russian citizens, which makes the use of the word “separatist” dubious. The Russian-speakers who actually live in Ukraine are as likely to be terrified of the rebels as they are to support them.

Flick Harrison

Why Google Glass Is So Bad and Hated and Will Never Work

I love this article and agree completely.

Why Google Glass Is So Bad and Hated and Will Never Work.

“People pay thousands of dollars to have lasers shot at their eyes so they don’t have to wear glasses. People put little pieces of plastic right on their eyes so they don’t have to wear glasses. People hate glasses.

You can feel them on your face. You can see them on your face. They restrict your peripheral vision. You have to keep track of them. If you take them off you have to carry them with you. Your one pair has to compliment all your clothes. Wearing glasses makes it harder to wear sunglasses and be cool. Lots of people don’t like how they look in glasses. Though imo some are in actuality very fetching. Disclaimer I don’t wear glasses.”


Introduction to Final Cut Pro @ VIVO Media Arts

logoVIVO has not disappeared, it’s just gone underground while the landlord laughs and the City of Vancouver steps in to the rescue.

I’m teaching my very popular Final Cut Pro X workshop there on July 12th, now EXTENDED by one hour to fill you up with Apply goodness.

Total 4 hours (Saturday, July 12th, 1-5pm) | $42.50 for  VIVO members / $50 for non­members

Learn how to import, edit video, add effects and titles, and output to dvd, web, or master files on the once-and-future king of editing software. Stop paying for Adobe subscriptions and get back on the FCP bus!

Final Cut Pro X has finally overcome the clunky launch and now it does pretty much everything an editor needs it to do. (Beginner workshop)

Instructor: Flick Harrison

This Month | VIVO Media Arts Centre.

Toronto Library is Hiring a Filmmaker for Residency

Toronto Public Library is hiring a filmmaker for a unique and fun job: our Fall 2014 Innovator in Residence.

The six-week residency will take place October 20 to November 30 at the Digital Innovation Hub at Toronto Reference Library.
The recently-opened Hub is a learning and creation space that gives anyone with a library card access to a wide range of digital tech, including: Mac computers, laptops and tablets; HD cameras; a green screen; and video editing software, like Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere and iMovie.
The Innovator in Residence’s job will include the following tasks:
* Meet with customers to critique and answer questions about their video projects
* Create and offer film-related programs and workshops for the public
* Post on the Digital Design and Technology Blog (this blog)
See the job posting (PDF) for full details – including info on how to apply. Deadline to apply is Monday, June 30.

Improvised Visuals with Jeff Younger’s Devil Loops

Jeff Younger’s Devil Loops

I’m doing my first live improvised visual performance with Jeff Younger and some amazing dancers and performers tomorrow night at the Orpheum Annex!


I’ll be playing with video from Ukraine, with live animation, and VJ-type live cams.  I feel like someone has taken a DJ and said “here’s a guitar!” which is pretty fun but also terrifying.  Come see me triumph or crash!  It will be a great event!

The event is produced by the Railtown Cultural Eclective…

– Flick


Add audio transitions to your entire timeline in Final Cut Pro X!

95d08e2d901ae9457724d209586a56acI finally figured out how to do something that should have been a no-brainer in FCPX:

Audio-only crossfades in the whole timeline!  Or add multiple sound-only dissolves at the same time to as many clips as you select.

Almost every time I edit, I need to add soft audio transitions between cuts.  All of them.  Even a smash cut that you WANT to be jarring can create an unwanted “pop” when the playhead jumps from one digital audio file to another.

One of the first things I learned working at CBC in the early 90’s is that a 3-frame audio crossfade is the best way to smooth out a sound cut without actually making a noticeable overlap.

One of my main reasons for avoiding Final Cut X for almost two years was the difficulty of adding audio-only dissolves.  In FCP 7, you could select your whole timeline, hit command-shift-t, and there you’d have it.

FCPX official workflow is to right-click->expand audio/video, then drag the ends of the audio clips each way so that they are overlapping, then drag the fade handles inwards so that the fades overlap.

GIVE ME A BREAK!  For hundreds of edits?!  Do I have a sign on my back that says “Please give me carpal tunnel syndrome?”

SO I’ve been perfecting this workflow and thanks to Alex4D, and a little poking around, I’ve solved it.

Continue reading “Add audio transitions to your entire timeline in Final Cut Pro X!”