Marie Tyrell Premiere – March 1 in Vancouver

marie tyrellHey Folks!

This is to let you know about the VANCOUVER PREMIERE screening of MARIE TYRELL, my latest production. All the info is below.

Check the website for images, trailer and so on…

1974 meets 2006: Underground Vancouver filmmaker Flick Harrison
adapts D.M. Fraser’s tour de force, Marie Tyrell

Marie Tyrell is a humanizing portrait of a woman on death row, from inquisitive teen to uncompromising revolutionary leader. Like the 1974 short story by legendary local author D.M Fraser, Harrison weaves multiple perspectives, splintered time and forceful poetic language into a startling examination of the politics of dissent.

*BEST NARRATIVE FILM – Northwest Film and Video Fest*
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Urgh’s Quake 2 config file!

Hey all – thought I’d just post my urgh.cfg file, for those who are Quake 2 geeks like me. I play under the name uuuurgh, though I can’t remember how I came up with the name.

Sometimes people are looking to learn about these things. If you have a custom config like me, you have to go into the console when you first run Q2 (by hitting the tilde: ~ ) and then type “exec urgh.cfg” or whatever you choose to call it. Put it in the baseq2 folder before you play.

Continue reading “Urgh’s Quake 2 config file!”

Axis Theatre promo video for Driftwood

Just finished editing a promo video for Axis Theatre’s Driftwood, a retelling of the story of Pinnochio. They’re the folks behind the insanely successful “Number 14.”

Soon, very soon, the songs will start drifting slowly out of my head.

Honestly, I have been waking up at night singing “Lies, Lies, are quickly recognized, difficult to keep disguised, Lies Lies Lies!” Although it’s a kids’ play, that song would make a great Nick Cave tune.

The vid is for promoting the show for far-flung gigs and tours. Good luck to them!

Flick on Battlestar Galactica

So the photo at left is me, Flick Harrison, with Lucy Lawless, on the set of Battlestar Galactica. I played the character “Bell” in episode 2-08, “Final Cut.” It airs March 11 in Canada on Space!

I figured if anything were worthy of posting on a blog, this is it.

Please let me know if you find anything on the web about this episode, you can link it here. I’m especially happy with all the images all over the web of me and Lucy together!

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FLICKS VON FLICK at Cinecycle in Toronto

vonflickFilmmaker Flick Harrison comes to TO with 10 years of underground cinema from Vancouver! A collection of shorts involving Jen Cressey, Catherine Falkner, the BC Rhino Party, crucifixion, and insanely lots more.

Proceeds to US WAR RESISTERS seeking refugee status in Canada: Jeremy Hinzman(in attendance) and Brandon Hughey.

behind 129 Spadina
Sat, June 19, 2004, 8pm




Why the Low-budget Filmmaking Glut will be Good

Some people complain that filmmaking is becoming too inexpensive, and now anyone thinks they can make a film. They say this will result in a glut of bad films.

Well, what did we have before? Too many good films?

Anyone who says this is an elitist arse. When they complain about too many people making films, they most certainly do not mean themselves. No, they have surpassed some mystical benchmark of divine birthright, involving a combination of ‘natural’ talent, intelligence, and insight combined with superior upbringing, and they therefore have a right to consider themselves an artist.


Continue reading “Why the Low-budget Filmmaking Glut will be Good”


[The following article was written shortly after I followed David Orchard on his Vancouver Island Tour in 1998, and while I was producing a promotional video for Orchard’s 1998 Progressive Conservative Party leadership campaign.]

David Orchard doesn’t need to convert the PC elite to stop globalization. He just needs to be heard by voters
by Patrick Harrison

The media believes in horse-race reporting, i.e. here comes Clark, Clark’s coming down, coming up behind it’s Segal, Segal moving up, Clark’s looking over his shoulder, here comes Segal as they move into the first turn… Say that out loud as fast as you can, and you’ll have a good idea what to expect out of the press in the months leading up to the PC leadership race.

That’s why you may get very little chance to hear what anyone, let alone David Orchard, actually has to say about anything.  But if you do, listen very carefully.  Orchard combines the analytical relentlessness of Noam Chomsky with the charisma and flair for realpolitik of Pierre Trudeau.  Stompin’ Tom Connors, on hearing of Orchard for the first time, immediately ordered all his writings and speeches (there’s a hefty whack of them) and pledged undying support.  It is this power of conversion Orchard is now focusing full-force on the Conservative Party of Canada.