Check out this mail art show by Penelope Hetherington, a facebook-resisting artist whom I’ve known since her days in the Hot Toddy Girls avante-garde burlesque troupe, writing for Discorder and performing in the cabaret duo Psychotic Butler. She produced this latest show by mailing out a bunch of coupons from very old magazines and collecting the responses.

Penelope Hetherington

April 4 – 30, 2013

Mail Art Gallery

8165 Main Street Vancouver (MAP)

Filling out a coupon clipped from a 1964 edition of a magazine and then 
mailing it in a envelope with a dime taped to a piece of cardboard requires 
a kind of optimism–an innocence not so much feigned as permitted. The 
process of undertaking this slightly goofy task produces affect that wants 
examining. Anticipation, excitement and a pleasant feeling of destabilization 
suggest an underlying reluctance to accept that the past has completely 
disappeared. The slowness of the post spares us the anticlimactic flatness 
of assuming that something is over and gone. Instead, we get suspense.

Untimely Missives uses the materiality of the postal system to look for lapsed
time in geographical space, and the Mail Art Gallery as a place to document 
the search. This project investigates the possibility that playing puckish 
games with time is one way of remaining limber in relation to temporality. 
It has nothing to do with nostalgia.

Visitors are encouraged to send their own untimely mail. Envelopes, scissors,
coin cardboard, copies of advertisements from old publications, and a working
post office are provided.

Penelope Hetherington is a Vancouver-based performer and installation artist.

Indie Writers Deathmatch!

deathmatch2008I submitted a story to the Indie Writers Deathmatch at Broken Pencil Magazine this week!

I’m posting this in a bid to get the jump on my competition by seizing the search-engine high ground.

I wrote a science fiction short called “Pangea’s Edge” which takes place in Surrey 2040.

You, my fellow travellers, will help me win – by voting for Pangea’s Edge in a series of one-on-one deathmatch rounds on Broken Pencil’s website.

If you’re reading this, you can help – I’ll update this posting when the finalists are announced, and you can click me to the top!

Zero for Conduct Zine is born!

Zero for Conduct is Flick Harrison’s new zine of counter-film.

(get it!)

I still need to get a waxer – this issue feels a little too perfect for me, I only did one drawing and the rest was laid out in Indesign.


Interviews with

Reg Harkema on Leslie, My Name is Evil
Jeff Carter on Inside Passage
Tom Scholte on Crime
plus Waiting for Sancho and more!

I created it to try and rekindle some kind of underground film thing in Vancouver that I think is, well, just a bit TOO underground. This year’s Vancouver International Film Festival was the kicker for me, I finally felt like taking part again, having worked on two of the films screening, and a recent visit to a Zine fair / comics show at the Vancouver Art Gallery reminded me that it is really all about just getting it done.

Continue reading “Zero for Conduct Zine is born!”

Why the Low-budget Filmmaking Glut will be Good

Some people complain that filmmaking is becoming too inexpensive, and now anyone thinks they can make a film. They say this will result in a glut of bad films.

Well, what did we have before? Too many good films?

Anyone who says this is an elitist arse. When they complain about too many people making films, they most certainly do not mean themselves. No, they have surpassed some mystical benchmark of divine birthright, involving a combination of ‘natural’ talent, intelligence, and insight combined with superior upbringing, and they therefore have a right to consider themselves an artist.


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