Improvised Visuals with Jeff Younger’s Devil Loops

Jeff Younger’s Devil Loops

I’m doing my first live improvised visual performance with Jeff Younger and some amazing dancers and performers tomorrow night at the Orpheum Annex!


I’ll be playing with video from Ukraine, with live animation, and VJ-type live cams.  I feel like someone has taken a DJ and said “here’s a guitar!” which is pretty fun but also terrifying.  Come see me triumph or crash!  It will be a great event!

The event is produced by the Railtown Cultural Eclective…

– Flick


“Space, Baby” premiere at The Toast, Apr 17-19 2014

space-baby-poster-letterCome to the spectacular performance of SPACE, BABY.

April 17, 18, 19 – 8 pm
The Toast Collective
648 Kingsway
Tickets $10/15 at the door or at Brown Paper Tickets

Space, Baby is a multimedia performance inspired by the palate of 1960s sci-fi film which tells the surreal story of a lone woman searching her galactic memories in an effort to escape the realities of an ever-approaching future. The woman is a rogue astronaut witnessing her own past. She plays multiple versions of herself as seen through the lens of her changing memories. Using a forcefield of sound and imagery, the camp-aesthetic of films such as Barbarella, and the genre-bending of American Astronaut, Space, Baby is a multimedia performance about regret and forgetting.


Catherine Falkner
in collaboration with
Elysse Cheadle
Flick Harrison
Elliot Vaughan

City in Song at the Museum of Vancouver

So a couple of great music videos I shot for the Loose Affiliation of Millionaires are now online!

I shot David Newberry and Jenny Ritter at the museum, singing songs that were inspired by the museum’s collection.

I had a great time.  I love music vids because even after editing them over and over, I still feel like watching them again.

There’s a live show with all the millionaires at the MOV this Saturday, February 1 at 7pm.  But meanwhile, you can listen to these…

A Moving at the Dance in Vancouver festival

AMoving-SunsetThe film I made with choreographer Rob Kitsos is showing at Dance in Vancouver next month!  Please come down and see it on the big screen, along with other local dance films.  Details to come…

Thursday November 21, 6.30-8pm VIFC

Radar: Exchanges in Dance Film Frequencies is a program dedicated to the exploration and evolution of dance film through connecting artists scene by scene. Curated by filmmaker/curator Adam Sekuler and choreographer Shannon Stewart, RADAR features movement based films of many budgets, styles and perspectives, creating a platform of local/national and international exchange that allows artists to publicly screen their work, discuss, get feedback, and meet other artists working in the same form. In 2013, RADAR screenings took place place in Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Portland, and Minneapolis. Presented by Vancity Theatre and the Northwest Film Forum in association with The Dance Centre.

“A Moving” is a contemporary dance trio that was performed at the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery in March of 2012. The trio was performed within an initialization of visual art by Michael Morris in his exhibit on Concrete Poetry. The dance was performed to music by Martin Gotfrit, choreography by Rob Kitsos and performed by Kim Stevenson, Katie DeVries and Rob Kitsos. The trio was then transplanted into different locations in and around Vancouver BC, filmed and edited by Flick Harrison. The title was taken from an interchange between Sally Banes, Noel Caroll and Monroe Beardsley on what makes the motions of our bodies ‘dance’.

“A Moving” is an interpretation of the presence of body, gesture and contemporary movement within non-traditional environments. The movement sequence continues throughout the film as the environments interchange between the original performance at the Belkin Art Gallery, to urban architectural locations –to natural environments in and outside the city on Vancouver BC. Through seeing the dance in places we inhabit in the everyday we make our moving bodies accessible, visceral and readable in ways that can become detached in the traditional settings of the theater. Through these sequences, we also perceive the design of our environments in relation to our bodies in a new context.

Call for entries: RADAR – Exchanges in Dance Film Frequencies


British Columbia artists are invited to submit innovative examples of film and video that reflect the body in motion or dance-based performance for entry in RADAR, a night of short dance films screening at the Vancity Theatre as part of the Dance In Vancouver Festival.

Single-channel video will be accepted in the following categories: narratives, documentaries, abstract and experimental shorts that are staged work remade for the camera (not documentation), choreography created specifically for the camera, as well as the moving body articulated through animation and new media. All work must be no longer than 15 minutes in length.  Performances videos are also considered. Please consider our curatorial question – would we rather see this dance live? Does the video represent a strong marriage of two arts, dance and film?

RADAR is a program that dedicated to the exploration and evolution of dance film through connecting artists scene by scene.  Curated by filmmaker/curator Adam Sekuler and choreographer Shannon Stewart, RADAR features movement based films of many budgets, styles and perspectives, creating a platform of local/national and international exchange that allows artists to publicly screen their work, discuss, get feedback, and meet other artists working in the same form.  In 2013, RADAR screenings took place place in Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Portland, and Minneapolis.

Who can apply? Current residents of British Colombia

Entry Guidelines

Submissions will be accepted until Oct. 15

Preview screeners must be submitted via vimeo, youtube or other links. If chosen, work must be available in quicktime formats.

Submissions should be no longer than 15 minutes in length.

Please enclose contact information with your submission. You will be notified by e-mail if your work is accepted by Oct 20.

Contact Adam Sekuler if you have any questions or need more information.

Anonymoose at VIVO this Friday!

Catherine Falkner and I made an avant-garde propaganda film in Newfoundland with the Tordon Players during our residency at Black Bag Media Collective… The first public screening will be this Friday! Check it out:


A short film festival featuring artists living and working in Mount Pleasant.

Graciously supported by the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Small Grants Project, the Vancouver Foundation and VIVO Media Arts.


We are excited to be featuring the following artists:

Continue reading “Anonymoose at VIVO this Friday!”

Live Music Playlist from St John’s Newfoundland!

One of my missions in St John’s was to record as much live music as possible, for sharing with my friends and colleagues and for possible use in a future video installation / exhibition.  After two visits to Newfoundland over the decades, the amount of live music was what stuck with me the most.  Like, without leaving downtown, I shot 9 bands in a week and a half.

There’s something for everyone so by all means, skip through if something’s not to your taste…

The Black Bags play “Raining Hammers” at the Ship
The Faded Yellow Line at The Levee
City on the Coast plays “The Emperor of Japan” at Fred’s Records
Liz and Nat farting around at Black Bag Media Collective
Lunge at The Levee
Box playing “Helter Skelter” @ Trapper John’s
Blacky O’Leary at Kelly’s Pub
Salty Dolls live at the Ship
Pathological Lovers at The Ship

This was a residency with Catherine Falkner at the Black Bag Media Collective. Thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts and Liz Solo.