Anonymoose at VIVO this Friday!

Catherine Falkner and I made an avant-garde propaganda film in Newfoundland with the Tordon Players during our residency at Black Bag Media Collective… The first public screening will be this Friday! Check it out:


A short film festival featuring artists living and working in Mount Pleasant.

Graciously supported by the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Small Grants Project, the Vancouver Foundation and VIVO Media Arts.


We are excited to be featuring the following artists:

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Parrot Drone crash – SOLVED!… Pic Watchdog Emergency.

Had a crazy crash with my Parrot AR Drone while I was testing some ideas for the Parade of the Lost Souls (you can see my test footage at left).  This is how I assessed and fixed it.

I hit a street light about 25 or 30 feet up. Down it came crashing. Why, oh why, did I listen to the passing child who insisted I try out the outdoor hull? I usually use the indoor hull at all times because I just think it will help the thing last longer. But no, it came straight down on the corner and broke a rotor gear in half, and broke the pin. Continue reading “Parrot Drone crash – SOLVED!… Pic Watchdog Emergency.”