Summer video camp for teens at VIVO

VIVO Youth Camps 2013

Video Revolution! Making your message

(click above for the application form and contact info)

August 5-9, 2013
9 AM-4 PM
Final Exhibition: Friday, August 9, 4:30-6 PM

¡VIVO la revolución!

Youth ages 13-18 are invited to spend a week at VIVO immersed in the hands-on creation of documentaries, news, commercials, music videos, public service announcements, viral videos and/or other mediums for creating persuasive messaging. Use the powerful world of video to get your message out there.

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Video from the Vancouver Biennale!

IMG_2293Finally completed the amazing video installation with Windermere, Nootka and the Vancouver Biennale’s Big Ideas project. This video explains how we mixed old media (polaroids, betamax, 35mm film, typewriters) with high schoolers from Windermere, elementary students from Nootka, and made a video installation at Kits Beach arund the Echoes sculpture by Michel Goulet.

Thanks to Katherine Tong  and Terry Howe at the Biennale, Laura Treloar and Damian William at Windermere, Hank Ferris at Nootka, Carmen Rosen and the Renfrew-Collingwood Seniors Centre for all the support!




Nootka/Windermere from Vancouver Biennale on Vimeo.

Big Ideas in Transitions

Anonymoose at VIVO this Friday!

Catherine Falkner and I made an avant-garde propaganda film in Newfoundland with the Tordon Players during our residency at Black Bag Media Collective… The first public screening will be this Friday! Check it out:


A short film festival featuring artists living and working in Mount Pleasant.

Graciously supported by the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Small Grants Project, the Vancouver Foundation and VIVO Media Arts.


We are excited to be featuring the following artists:

Continue reading “Anonymoose at VIVO this Friday!”

Video Journalism workshops at VIVO

Learn on-camera reporting, off-camera interview skills, documentary shooting techniques, polished journalistic writing skills, and documentary editing.
Participants will develop a documentary concept (or bring one you have in mind) and shoot footage that will be analyzed and edited over two workshop sessions.  You are welcome to use VIVO’s video cameras, or you can bring your own.

1. Camera Skills & Interviewing
Learn how to set up a great interview with lights, camera, and appropriate questions. In this session we will also cover documentary shooting and sound skills. Homework: Shoot some footage!

2. Documentary Editing
With footage you’ve shot as homework from session one, we will learn to cut together a short news story with a voiceover, on-camera introduction, and develop a solid structure.

Make docs that ring true!

Continue reading “Video Journalism workshops at VIVO”

Extraction is in the works

Extraction Chinese Character
Extraction Cast and Crew

After two years of research and planning, Theatre Conspiracy is digging into the creation of the documentary-style play Extraction. Our international cast and team of theatre artists are in residence at The Cultch in Vancouver for the next couple of weeks to experiment before a work-in-progress presentation at Your Kontinent: Richmond International Film & Media Arts Festival on July 21. Continue reading “Extraction is in the works”

The Cultch presents Extraction

Here’s a little taste of the show I’m working on for Theatre Conspiracy.  Our workshop performances will happen in July at the Cultch and at the Richmond Int’l Film & Media Arts Festival.

The Cultch presents Extraction – YouTube.

“Through the biographies of four performers, the bilingual, documentary-style play Extraction looks at lives transformed by the rapid growth of Beijing and Fort McMurray, Chinese investment in Alberta’s tar sands and the evolution of Canada/China relations.

Extraction, directed by Amiel Gladstone, will run March 5-9, 2013, as part of the season at The Cultch in Vancouver. Theatre Conspiracy was presented with the annual Rio Tinto Alcan Performing Arts Award, a $60,000 prize that will support the development and production of Extraction.”

After ‘The Wire’ ended, Sonja Sohn couldn’t leave Baltimore’s troubled streets behind

“We are talking about a throwaway population that adults think are too far gone,” Sohn says later. “We’re talking about kids that people have given up on over and over and over again. They don’t feel like anyone is there for them. They may have parents who love them, but they’ve been falling back on themselves for so long that if you come in front of their faces talking, and not backing it up with action, you just become another one of the people who have disappointed them.”

After ‘The Wire’ ended, actress Sonja Sohn couldn’t leave Baltimore’s troubled streets behind – The Washington Post.