Intro to Premiere |
Tuesday, April 16, 7-10 PM
Adobe Premiere is fast, easy to use, and powerful. This class introduces the Adobe edit system to new editors. Learn how to ingest footage into the system, cut your video, add soundtrack, titles and effects, and output to various formats. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to solve problems and find help easily. This workshop contains a mixture of instructor demonstration and hands on practice.
This is a Pay What You Can workshop with the suggested minimum payment of $50
To sign up email us at or call 604.872.8337/ext.1
Instructor: Flick Harrison
Flick Harrison is a self-made nobody, a renegade artist, an underpreneur, a premiere Vancouver poorfessional, and now a member of the Sunset Community artists-in-residence “Something Collective.” His film, theatre, video, acting, writing and camera work has been seen by millions, been nominated and won awards internationally, and slipped into, under and through almost every Canadian funding niche. Chretien’s chief strategist Warren Kinsella called Flick “offensive” and “unfair,” the Globe and Mail called him “hilarious,” and the Georgia Straight called his work “gorgeously sophisticated.” His work includes teaching media art to kids, engaging community through art, designing projections for theatre and dance, and international journalism and criticism.