[singlepic id=48 w=320 h=240 float=left] I spent this weekend shooting a dance film / video with Rob Kitsos, for his ongoing project A Moving.
Sunset Community Centre has some beautiful lines and spaces… we also got into the Sunset Nursery next door.
See the gallery after the jump…
“The title of this new dance is taken from a discussion in 1982 between Monroe Beardsley, Sally Banes, and Noel Carroll about the nature of what constitutes dance movement. This debate, which continues today (and was challenged in the post-modern dance movement in the 1960s) hinges on the difference and the context between the way we move in everyday life and the added “vigor, fluency, expansiveness or stateliness” found in ‘dance’ movement.”
The dancers are Kitsos, Katie DeVries and Kim Stevenson.
[nggallery id=4]
These were taken from the video, which was shot on a Canon 7D. I really liked the colour and tone of the images, but I wish there was a 1080p60 setting… I opted for 720p60 instead of 720p30 because I hate the stutter, and I can deinterlace in post…
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