There’s a survey you should check out at the site of this Experimental Media Congress in Toronto, April 2010.
It’s a part of the Images Festival in Toronto, and
“This gathering aims to serve as a continuation of the conversations that
took place at the Fourth Experimental Film Congress held in Toronto in
1989. That massive and contentious event, which is well known to many on
this list, attempted to bring together the broad international film
community for a dialogue on the state of the avant-garde.”
Anyone interested in attending, or who feels confident their time spent answering questions is worthwhile for the ripple effect on the worldwide experimental scene… go check it out.
The congress promises to re-open some debates that have been ongoing for decades, regarding canonization of avante-garde artists and institutionalization of marginalized authorities – if ya know what I mean.
I can only assume Zero for Conduct (i.e. me) will be there, rousing some sort of rabble.
Check out Al Razutis’ articles and manifesto pages that hint at the schism caused by the previous conference in 1989, with prominent filmmakers boycotting and avoiding while others considered the event a big success.
I saw the call on FRAMEWORKS which is an extremely long-lived, wide-ranging and international email discussion group about experimental filmmaking.
It was posted by:
Scott Miller Berry
(on behalf of the local organizing & host committee)
7 to 10 April, 2010
Toronto, Canada